About Me
About me: My name is Richard Dunstan and I first discovered miniatures in the early 90's, when I was nine years old. My brother and I would love going to Games Workshop with whatever money we could earn from doing jobs for our parents in loved Warhammer Fantasy Battles more than anything. We both still collect, paint and play regularly and are still working on some of our original army projects: I'm currently trying to get my giant oldhammer skaven army painted and based to my current level but it's a mammoth task with well over 200 models to paint.
Amongst the armies I collect are: Empire, Skaven, Undead/Vampire Counts, Chaos Space Marines, Rogue Trader Era Genestealer cults, Imperial Guards, Orks and Squats. My favourite sculptor of all time is Jes Goodwin for his amazing Skaven and Ogre ranges! It would be a dream of mine for him to sculpt even more!
I have been actively selling doubles and parts of collections I buy to fund buying more for myself and really love the community and hearing about what everyone's plans are for their models and armies. This has inspired me to create my own store as I'd love to turn it into a business but still keeping the core values of charging decent prices, so hopefully I will achieve this.